Wednesday, March 14, 2012

That Old Chevy

           On my way to school this morning, an old battered car passed me on the Cross County Parkway.  Did I say old? This car wasn’t old, it was ancient.  I’ve just done some Google research, and I’m going to say it was a Chevrolet from the mid-1950s. It had the fins, the grille and lots of chrome, and it was painted a dull red and white. 
            It’s not every morning you see a car that old in the fast lane, especially not one with a car seat in the back.  Wait a second -- that couldn't have  been a car seat!  They didn't even have seat belts back then in the front, let alone the back seat.  Even though that old Chevy behemoth outweighed my subcompact, it had no air bags or anti-lock brakes or any of the safety features of today’s cars. All of which started me thinking about the things I don’t miss about the 1960s or whenever it was that I was young:

1.  Duck and cover air raid drills
             How old were you when you first realized that hiding under your desk was not going to             help you survive a nuclear attack – even if your teacher told you to do it anyway?
2.  Aerograms
            Forget about long distance phone calls, we couldn’t even write big!
3. Not trusting anyone over 30  
            What were we thinking? Is anyone all that trustworthy under 30?
4.  1960s medicine
            Remember exploratory surgery?  MRIs make me claustrophobic, but I don’t think I’d        prefer being cut open, just to find out what was ailing me.
5.  Rabbit ears on TV
            It was never during the commercials that you had to wiggle and jiggle those ears, and    even then, the picture wasn’t all that clear.
6. Mimeographed sheets
            Even if you didn’t mind the smell, you still couldn’t read the writing.
7.  No ethnic food except for Italian and Chinese.
8. And you call that stuff Chinese?
9.  Beehive hairdos
10. Movies only in the movie theater
            Yes, there was something special about going to a theater.  There still is. But what          if you want to watch a movie on a rainy day or when you’re at home with the flu or when          you’re just in the mood for a good flick?


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